Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I Don't Know What To Name This Post

Sometimes when you expect the week to be good to you, it takes a turn. What I'm saying is... zits the size of Jupiter breakout all over your face and you're stressed because you have 90 bazillion tests. NOT OKAY MAN. But life can also be good to you, none the less. I know, I know, my life isn't over because I have zits on my face. That's not what I'm saying. Today has been a very good day for me actually. It started out with a nice hour of yoga, then I came home and made myself a tasty tuna sandwich. It has been a fine day... but not everyday is a perfect one. For example, these dudes behind me in the library today obviously didn't understand what a library used for. Can you not use the mother of all swear words every other word that you say? Did you forget you're in a library and people (Me) are studying for their 90 bazillion tests?! I was about to pull a Taylor Irvine and go "SHHHHHHH" as loud as I could, and give them the best stink eye they've ever seen. Wooo I'm so intimidating aren't I? Hahaha no. Actually, when people tell me to "Shh", it bugs the living crap out of me. Not even that, if there's anything I hate more than watermelon or itchy tags in my shirts, it would be when people tell me to "Shh"....and there was no way I was going to do it to these strange f-bomb throwing guys in the library. Heck nah. Besides that lovely occurrence, my week has been grrrrrreat. I'm getting real excited to go on our family vacation after Thanksgiving. Universal Studios plus a Bahamas cruise?! Freak, how lucky am I? Also, I miss my cute little Rylee. I miss being able to talk to her about life, boys, and all the things sisters should talk about. But I'm coming home this weekend so PARTAY.
I've gotten better at cooking, hallelujah. I can now make a quesadilla without burning it. My life is going places, let me tell ya. I can make chicken too. Cassidy says it's my specialty. Every Sunday so far, that's our fancy dinner. I'm in charge of making the chicken, Cass makes the asparagus, and then there's some sort of potato involved because ya know, potatoes are life duh. Basically, we would make pretty good wives. (; HAHAH no, not ready for that. Anyway, I really have come to love this little town in all its glory. Last night, was taco Tuesday. This guy in our apartment complex, makes tacos for everybody at the club house. I don't know why. Probably because he is a saint sent straight from the heavens. His name is Steve. We call him Taco Steve and he wears a tank top with tacos all over it. He works it. Plus, he has a black rapist van. He says he throws parties and DJ's from it, but on the back of the van it says "Special Events".... I hope the only events that he throws are dance parties, that's all I'm saying. A lot could be taken wrong with that saying on the back of a black rapist van...but that's none of my business. Hahahah I'm kiddin he seems like a nice guy that is not a rapist. So after we got our free tacos, we went to the malt shop and used our free ice cream cone certificates. It was by far the best ice cream I've ever had. Cherry chocolate chip is the way to go. 
Anyway, this week I have been trying to work out more.. yeah yeah I know I had tacos and ice cream yesterday but at least there is exercise involved haha. Yesterday, I ran on the treadmill that is downstairs in the clubhouse because it was so fetching hot outside. The bad thing about it, is that there are mirrors all around you when you go down there. Yeah of course I want to watch myself run on the treadmill. How did they know?! Not, I do not like it. People weren't kidding when they say dancers run funny. I was laughing at myself to be honest. Oh well what can ya do? But if you were wondering, yes I am sore as heck. My hips feel like they are about to fall off. Life is great.
That's all for now....oh and I made up a new saying. Its "Blog Is Life" hahahhahah instead of ball is life? Ya get it? Oh man I'm a loser.
Love you all.


PS. I miss Quinn, and Ronni, and Charlotte. :'(