There's a First Time For Everything
Okay people, prepare yourselves...this past weekend was definitely one of the most craziest weekends of my entire existence. We went up to Utah State to go to The Howl, and if you don't know what The Howl is, it's a Halloween dance where everybody dresses up. Aaaaand it's basically the biggest dance in the state of Utah. So yeah, it got pretty crazy. Don't worry, I am not really wearing a belly shirt in the pictures. It has fabric in between so don't be judging this hot mama okay? Okay. (: So the dance was INSANE. We got into the dance really easily the first time. There wasn't a line to get in, so we danced for about an hour and went back to the other building to check out some stuff. BIG MISTAKE ON OUR PART. When we wanted to go back to the dance, the line was enormous. Forget that! It wasn't even a line! It was masses of people shoved into a hallway like canned oysters. If I could describe hell it would be that. I literally thought I was going to die. I couldn't breath or move and this was only the line to get into the freaking dance!!! Just imagine being crammed into a tiny hallway with the unbearable stench of body odor, cologne, and farts. If that wasn't crazy enough, someone thought it would be a good idea to start crowd surfing over everybody. (It was actually a pretty smart idea because it got you to the front of the line. I almost did it myself.) So as all this was happening, I was trying not to get split up from my group. I was holding onto my friend Ashley for dear life. My feet weren't even touching the ground there were so many people pushing up against me and shoving me. So we were probably waiting in the line of Sweaty, Hot, Chaotic Hell for about an hour. Once we got to the doors that led to the outdoor line, they closed the gate off and started sending people back around to the line because the cops were saying that the dance had reached "full capacity". I was like "OH HECK NAH, I AM NOT GOING BACK INTO THAT LINE THAT SPAWNED FROM SATANS WRATH OF ALL THINGS HOT SWEATY AND NASTY." I couldn't handle it. I was going to spontaneously combust from claustrophobia. So this is where it gets interesting. My friend Ashley snuck past the cop while his back was turned and the rest of us did the same, but then UH OH MAYDAY MAYDAY MAN DOWN... Cassidy got snagged at the last second and was forced back behind the gate to go back through the line. There was no way we could have gotten her back to the other side because there was so much security. Luckily, the cop didn't notice that we snuck past him. We were literally the very last people to make it into the line to get into the dance. I was just thankful that I was outside breathing fresh air again... So back to the Cassidy situation... we were yelling across the crowds of people to have her call one of the girls that was still inside. We were trying to devise a plan to tell the cop that she had some sort of disability and she needed to be with us. Hahahah... But the cop came up to us and asked us if she was our friend and long story short he gave in, and let Cassidy through to us. HALLELUJAH WE GOT OUR FRIEND BACK YAAAS.
BUT WAIT, theres more(: I have another very interesting story. So knowing me, I am not one to do very spontaneous things. I like to be outgoing and fun but not in like a crazy way... but things were different this time and you can't judge me because there are worse things that can happen okay? But here it goes.... So while we were dancing as just us girls, these two guys came up to us and started dancing with us. One was dressed as a pirate and one was a ninja turtle. Haha.. so the ninja turtle guy started talking to me and asked me what my name was. Then he started SWING DANCING WITH ME. First of all, swoon.. So obviously I am weak because a ninja turtle is swing dancing with me haha just kidding. I was just very impressed because this guy was actually dancing with me, not just jumping up and down. Also, the music was so loud that when we had to talk to each other, we had to get really close to each other's ears. So he started to flirt some game with me and he said that I was attractive.... Uh oh. First of all, you should all know I don't take compliments well. I got all awkward and I was like "Oh jeez thanks." Hahah then I told him he was great at swing dancing. So then... this is where it gets good.... he was like, "I have two questions for you." and I just said, "Sure, go ahead!" So the first question was "Do you have a boyfriend?" and I don't, so I said no... then he said, "Then whats stopping us from kissing right now?" At first I was surprised that he even asked me that question, so I just laughed and said, "I don't know!" then he pulled me in and kissed me... THEN HE KEPT KISSING ME.. GUYS I WAS KISSING A RANDOM STRANGER THAT I MET AT A COLLEGE DANCE WHO THE FREAK AM I? So I pulled away and I slapped him in the face. AHHAHAH just kidding I didn't. I just stood there in shock but in my mind I was like awww yeahhh you go girl. Then I looked and Charlotte and Ashley and their mouths were wide open they were so surprised. And yes I have already told my mother this story. She actually said to me, "Well there's a first time for everything!" Hahaha oh mom... but let's just hope my grandma doesn't see this post. She would disown me...
So yeah, there is a crazy college story for you all.
Mucho Love~ Devree
PS. a potato flew around my room before you came (For Ronni)
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