Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Okay... It's Been Awhile

Well isn't this such a doozy?! I make a blog and never post anything how absurd. (SORRY MOM) I've been busy busy with homework and college activities guys. Calm down. But no really, I could write in my blog everyday if I wanted to, but I would rather take naps do you see my point. If I could marry sleep, I would. *Sighhhhh the life of a college student. Anyway, I love Snow. I've made ten new friends guys! YAY I'M MOVING UP IN THE WORLD. Well, ten friends that I can remember who's name goes with what face. You really find out if you're good with names or not because you meet a lot of new people. But besides my amazing friend making skills haha not, I would like to announce that Cassidy, my cute little celiac of a roommate, is basically my soul sister. Literally. (Ewe I don't know if that sentence could have gotten anymore "white girl" to be honest) I don't know what I would do without her!!! She is honest to goodness the same person as I am. Her and I belt our lungs out during every car ride back and forth from Snow to Murray... like we don't stop. The WHOLE TIME we are singing to Wicked and every musical known to mankind. I'm surprised our vocal chords haven't withered away and left us for dead yet. We should go on Broadway we're so good. HAHAH JUST KIDDING. But Cass, if you're reading this, Thank you mucho I love you with all my heart.
I FINALLY GOT ROXY BAAAACK! If you don't know who Roxy is, she's my little, red 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse that has been broken, but now she is fixed!! (Thank you Mom and Dad<3) My life is now complete with my foxy little Roxy.
So far, my favorite class is Hip Hop because I like getting down with my dirty self. I GET CRUNK. HAHAAH noooooo stop it Devree, you can't get crunk, you're just a white girl with black girl intentions. :'( SOMEDAY I AM GOING TO BE FAMOUS AND SHOW EVERYONE THAT THIS WHITE GIRL CAN GET CRUNK OKAY? Okay.(: I also decided that I want to be a drummer and or marry a drummer... but what else is new?! HAHAH I could call him my little drummer boy. Oh gosh. What am I saying? Sometimes I feel bad for my husband wherever he is because he is going to have to deal with me and my bluntness and my dry sense of humor because YOU KNOW WHAT? POOP JOKES ARE FUNNY OKAY. Okay glad we cleared that up. But yeah, husband, wherever you are, please accept me for who I am. It may be tough, but I make a mean grilled cheese sandwich if you know what I'm sayin. (; ....(I'm gonna be honest, I totally suck at making grilled cheese sandwiches because I'm still learning how to cook. I basically live off of canned beans and granola bars.) You really come to appreciate all that your mother did for you when you're on your own. I for one miss my mom's homecooked meals like no other. That woman can cook. UGH I MISS MY MOM IN GENERAL :'( I have got some stepping up to do if I'm ever going to have the gnarly cooking skills that she does. Another thing I miss is laundry day. Oh those were the days when mom did my laundry for me without fail. I did my own laundry the other day and accidentally bleached my sliders. I REPEAT. BLEACHED MY BLACK SLIDERS NOT OKAY. Now I have sexy brown sliders but it's cool. No one sees them anyway haha. It's a good life.
But really lets talk about something important right now. THE STENCH THAT WAFTS TOWARDS MY APARTMENT EVERY NIGHT IS UNBEARABLE. I don't know what it is, cows, turkeys, lambs, a farm of cats, but it is not okay man. So smelly yuuuuuck. You cannot smell the roses in Ephraim ladies and gents. Besides the smell.. loving it. PEACE AND BLESSINGS.

Sincerely~ Devree

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