Thursday, August 21, 2014

Swing Your Partner Round and Round

Wow, so far this has been a really good experience being at college all on my own. I am loving it, missing my family though. I miss my Ry Ry, and Alex. I miss my mom A LOT. I Facetimed with her last night to tell her about my day and kept her up. SORRY MOM. I also miss her home cooked meals. I would do anything for some homemade chicken noodle soup to be honest. I LOVE SOUP. I've been surviving off granola bars and cheese sticks. Thats my quality breakfast for y'all. #collegestudentlife I've made a lot of friends too! I made a goal to not be the person to look down at the ground and ignore people as I walk by on the side walk. I always look at them and flash them a nice smile. First of all, it makes the awkward walking by moment not so awkward and they sometimes end up talking to you...then maybe some digits are exchanged if ya know what I'm sayin;) haha. 
Well my Wednesdays are my busiest days. I have 5 classes and my all time favorite class is called Western Swing. I LOVE IT OH MY GOSH THERE ARE SO MANY CUTE GUYS THERE AND YOU DANCE AND GET TO HOLD HANDS AND JUST AGHHHJGUHEHGYHFH. I melt. Plus, I get to dance and I love dancing. (especially with cute guys). I signed up to be on the Western Swing counsel/club. I am too excited to go to the class every Wednesday. It's like going to combined young mens, young women's but dancing with cowboys in their wranglers and cowboy boots. SWOOOONING. I catch myself swooning on the daily here at Snow and I am not complaining. Anyway, I am loving it here. I feel so grown up, it's weirding me out. But a good weird. (:
Sincerely, ~College Devree

Ps. If the football players next door to us can't shut the heck up at 2 in the morning, Imma open a big can oh whoop some butt on them. It ain't gonna be pretty y'all . (Western swing got me feeling some sort of way with all these yawls). 

1 comment:

  1. Awe. I miss you too!
    Maybe you need to make some treats for your football neighbors? If that doesn't work I'll come down and help you open a can! My baby girl needs her sleep!!
